Wednesday, April 9, 2014

cbse syllabus for class 12 ENGLISH (Core)

Class XII - Examination Specifications

OnePaper                                                  3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100

Areas of Learing
Total Marks
Reading Unseen Passages (Two)

Advanced Writing Skills
Textual Queations

iii. Text Book-Flamingo

iv. Supplementary Reader - Vistas
3+4+12+6 = 25

Long Readin Text-Novel

Conversation Skills
(i) Listening
(ii) Speaking



Section A
Reading Comprehension - 20 Marks

Reading unseen Passagesand Note making

There will be two unseen passages.

The total length of the two passages will be between 1000 - 1200 words. The passagewill include two of the following:

a Factualpassages e.g. instructions, descriptions, reports

b.   Descriptive passages involving opinion e.g. argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text. c Literarypassages e.g. extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography.


Summary - Section A

Unseen passages
No. of words
Testing Areas
Marks Allotted


Short answer type questions to test local, global and international comprehension, Vocabulary

Note-making in an appropriate format



05            08


Question 1: A longerpassage will be given to test readingcomprehension. The passagecan be literary, factual or discursive. There will be vocabulary testing for three marks.                                         12 Marks

Question2: A shorter passage of 400 - 500 words will be given for note making and abstraction.
08 Marks

Advanced WritingSkills - 30 Marks
Question3: Oneout of two short compositions of not more than 50 words each e.g. advertisement and notices, designing or drafting posters, writing formal and informal invitations and replies.
04 Marks
Question4: A report or a factual description (100 - 125 words) based on verbal input provided. (One out of two06 Marks
Question5: Writingone out of two letters based on verbal input.                                 10 Marks
Lettertypes include
a business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and givininformation, placing orders and sending replies)
b.   letters to the editor (giving suggestions on an issue or opinion on issue on public interest c application for a job
d.   letter to the principal or school authorities regarding admissions schools issues requirement or suitability of coursesetc.
Question6: Oneout of two compositions based on visual and/or verbal input (150 - 200 words). Output may be descriptive or argumentative in nature such as an article, a debateor a speech.
10 Marks

Literary Texts (Prescribed booksFlamingo and Vistas) - 25 Marks

Question 7: Oneout of two extracts based on poetry from the text to test comprehension and appreciation.                                                                                                                        01X03=03 Marks

Question8: Twoout of three short questions from the poetry to test local and global comprehension of text02X02=04 Marks

Question9: Sixout of seven short answer questions based on the lessons from both Flamingo and
Vistas.                                                                                                               06X02=12 Marks

Question10: Oneout two long answer type questions based on the texts to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the set texts. (125 -150 words)                                      01X06=06 Marks

The following have been deletedfrom the text:

Long ReadingText - Novel - 15 Marks

With a view to in still the habit of readingamong the students, CBSE introduces compulsory reading of Long ReadingText/Novel in the EnglishCore Course and will be evaluated in both Formative and SummativeAssessments.

Therewill be two long answer questions on the theme, plot, character and incidents from the prescribed novel. Schools can choose any one of the two novels.

Name of the Text Book
Name of the lessons deleted


1. Poets and Pancakes

2. The Interview

3. A Road Ride Stand (Poetry)


4. The Third Level

5. Journey to the End of the Earth
The novels are:

Lordof the Flies (unabridged1954)                              William Golding


Houndof Baskervilles (unabridged1902)              Arther Conan Doyle

Question12: LongAnswer Question (Approximately 150 Words)                              08 Marks

Question13: LongAnswer Question (Approximately 150 Words)                              07 Marks

SECTION E Conversational Skills - 10 Marks

Testing of Conversational Skills will be done by CBSE.

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