Sunday, March 31, 2013

On comparing the ratios a1/a2 , b1/b2 and c1/c2, find out whether the lines representing the following pairs of linear equations intersect at a point, are parallel or coincident

On comparing the ratios a1/a2 , b1/b2  and c1/c2, find out whether the lines representing the following pairs of linear equations intersect at a point, are parallel or coincident
Use this table for the solution
Compare the Ratio
Graphic representation
Algebraic interpretation
Linear equations
Intersection lines at one point
Exactly one solution or
unique solution

Coincident line
Infinity solution or many solutions
 Dependent and consistent
Parallel lines
No solution

(i)                      5x – 4y + 8         = 0
7x + 6y – 9         = 0
Compare the equation with
We get
a1 = 5,            b1       = -4,               and c1 = 8
a2 =7               b2       =6                    and c2 = -9
So both are Intersecting lines at one point
(ii)          9x + 3y + 12            = 0
18x + 6y + 24           = 0
Compare the equation with
We get
a1 = 9,           b1       = 3,                 and c1 = 12
a2 =18          b2        =6,                   and c2 = 24
So both lines are coincident
(ii)            6x – 3y + 10       = 0
2x y + 9            = 0
Compare the equation with
We get
a1 = 6,            b1       =- 3,               and c1 = 10
a2 =2              b2        =-1,                 and c2 = 9 
So both lines are parallel

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