Thursday, April 10, 2014

cbse syllabus for class 12 biotechnology 2015


One paper                                             Time:3Hours            Total Marks: 70 (180 Periods) Unit V:  Protein and Gene Manipulation                                       Marks 40 (100 Periods) Chapter I: Recombinant DNA Technology                                                 15 Marks (40 Periods)
Tool of rDNA Technology
Making rDNA
Introduction of Recombinant DNA into Host Cells
Identification of Recombinants Polymerase ChainReaction (PCR) Hybridization Techniques
DNA Library
DNA Sequencing
Site-directed Mutagenesis

Chapter II: Protein Structure and Engineering                                 15Marks (35 Periods)
Introduction to the World of Proteins
3-D Shape of Proteins
Structure-Function Relationship in Proteins
Purification of Proteins Characterization of Proteins Protein Based Products
Designing Proteins(Protein Engineering)
Chapter III: Genomicsand Bioinformatics                                       10 Marks (25 Periods)
Genome Sequencing Projects
Gene Predictionand Counting
Genome Similarity, SNPs and Comparative Genomics
Functional Genomics
History of Bioinformatics Sequences and Nomenclature Information Sources
Analysis using Bioinformatics Tools

Unit VI : Cell Cultureand Genetic Manipulation  30 Marks (80 Periods)

Chapter I: Microbial Culture and Applications                                 10Marks (26 Periods)


Microbial Culture Techniques

Measurement and Kinetics of Microbial Growth

Scale up of MicrobialProcess Isolationof Microbial Products Strain isolation and Improvement
Applications of Microbial Culture Technology

Biosafety Issues in Microbial Technology

Chapter II: Plant Cell Culture and Applications                               10Marks (27 Periods)


Cell and Tissue Culture Techniques Applications of Cell and Tissue Culture Gene TransferMethods in Plants Transgenic Plantswith Beneficial Traits Biosafety in Plant Genetic Engineering
Chapter III: Animal Cell Culture and Applications                           10 Marks (27 Periods)


Animal Cell CultureTechniques Characterisation of Cell Lines Methods of Gene Delivery into Cells Scale-up of AnimalCulture Process Applications of Animal Cell Culture Stem Cell Technology
Tissue Engineering


(60 Periods)

Note:  Every student will be required to do the following experiments during the academic session

List of Experiments

1.      Isolation of bacterialplasmid DNA and its detection by gel electrophoresis

2.      Restriction digestionof plasmid DNA and its analysis by gel electrophoresis

3.      Bacterial transformation using any plasmid

4.      Data retreivaland data base search using internet site NCBI

5.      Download a DNA and protein sequence from internet, analyse it and comment on it.

6.      Cell viabilityassay

7.      Determination of blood groups

8.      Estimation of DNA

9.      Ion-exchange chromatography for proteins.

10.    Reading of DNA sequencinggel to arrive at the sequence

11.    Estimation of blood glucose by enzymatic method (GOD/POD)

12.    Project work

Scheme of Evaluation:

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                        Max. Marks 30

The scheme of evaluation at the end of the session will be as under:

A.     Two experiments                :                6+6 (onlyone computer based practical) Practical record                                          :                04
Viva on Practicals               :                04

B.      Project work                      :

Write up                             :                05

Viva on project                   :                05

Total 30

Recommended Books:

1.      A Text Book of Biotechnology - Class XI : Published by CBSE, New Delhi

2.      A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology -Class XI : Publishedby CBSE, New Delhi

3.      A Text Book of Biotechnology - Class XII : Published by CBSE, New Delhi

4.      A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology -Class XII : Publishedby CBSE, New Delhi

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